Saturday, September 15, 2012

Strip Tilling - Do It In Right Way To Reap More Profits

All the Governments boost the agriculture industry to evolve more effective equipments and techniques. The main intention for creating this fortunate semblance is to increase agricultural produce of nation. Being rose-colored with this support, agriculture industry is innovating new equipment to improve the quality and quantity of crop. Agricultural scientists worldwide are active in making inventions to make the farming more profitable and more delivering in terms of produce also. Strip - Tilling is the new invention that ensures far better yields from almost similar inputs in same fields. The benefits of strip - tilling have been proved many times. Individual farmers, who switched over to this farming method realized the difference in very first produce. However, end results majorly depend upon the use of right kind of equipments and the method.

Striped - till uses minimum tillage. It combines drying and soil warming benefits of conventional tillage method with zero - tilling soil - protection benefits by disturbing only the seeds row part. To perform striped - tillage in defined manner, we need special types of equipments. Each stripped tilled row is made usually eight - eleven inches wide. However, it depends upon the properties of soil and the crop to be planted. Farmers using strip till need less fertilizer, chemicals and irrigation.

Strip tilling warms up the farms soil that creates better aerobic conditions for perfect seedbed. In stripped tilling soil nutrients become better adaptable to plants needs. The un - tilled land acts as a protective ground between the two rows. Liquid fertilizer and water directly reaches to plant roots; it means lesser requirement of water and fertilizers. As you need to trill smaller part of land, so you save on the fuel cost also. Striped tillage makes farming environment friendly because of less carbon emission.

When you plan for switching over to Strip till farming method to cut down production cost, you need to plan properly. The planned cash crop, cover crop rotation, soil properties, availability of water and type of existing equipments etc are the main aspects that need due consideration. The very first yield may not be as per expectations but take this shortfall just like the investment for long term benefits.