Wednesday, October 3, 2012


INTRODUCTION: - Tremendous benefits have been derived from the use of pesticides in forestry, public health and the private sphere - and, of course, in agriculture, a sector upon which the Indian economy is largely dependent. An area of 169 million hectares consists of permanently cropped land. Food grain production, which stood at a mere 50 million tonnes in 1948 - 49, had increased halfway fourfold to 198 million tonnes by the end of 1996 - 97. This settlement has been achieved by the use of high - yield varieties of seeds, brand-new irrigation technologies and agricultural chemicals1. The term pesticide covers a wide gamut of compounds including insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, rodenticides, molluscicides, nematocides, plant growth regulators and others. Among these, organochlorine ( OC ) insecticides, used successfully in controlling a symbol of diseases, equaling as malaria and typhus, were banned or proper consequent the 1960s in most of the technologically dewy countries. The introduction of other synthetic insecticides - organophosphate ( OP ) insecticides in the 1960s, carbamates in 1970s and pyrethroids in 1980s and the introduction of herbicides and fungicides in 1970s - 1980s contributed intensely in pest control and agricultural yield. Ideally a pesticide must be lethal to the targetted pests, but not to non - target sort, including man. Unfortunately, this is not so the controversy of use and maltreat of pesticides has surfaced. The rampant use of these chemicals, under the saw, - if insufficient is good, a lot more will be better - has played ruination with human and other life forms. In India, the first report of poisoning due to pesticides was from Kerala in 1958, where over 100 people died touching consuming wheat flour contaminated with parathion2. This prompted the Special Committee on Harmful Effects of Pesticides constituted by the ICAR to polestar further attention on the problem3. Further, Carlson in 1962 warned that OC compounds could pollute the tissues of virtually every life scheme on the earth, the air, the lakes and the oceans, the fishes that live in them and the birds that feed on the fishes4. Later, the US National Academy of Sciences stated that the DDT metabolite, DDE causes eggshell thinning and that the bald eagle population in the United States declined primarily since of exposure to DDT and its metabolites5. Certain environmental chemicals including pesticides termed as endocrine disruptors are recognized to extract their adverse effects by mimicking or antagonising natural hormones in the body and it has been postulated that their long - term, low - dose exposure are increasingly linked to human health effects consonant as immunosuppression, hormone disruption, diminished intelligence, reproductive abnormalities and cancer ( 6 - 8 ).

The pesticide industry in India The production of pesticides started in India in 1952 with the establishment of a plant for the production of BHC near Calcutta, and India is now the second largest manufacturer of pesticides in Asia following China and ranks twelfth globally9. There has been a steady growth in the production of specialized grade pesticides in India, from 5, 000 metric tonnes in 1958 to 102, 240 metric tonnes in 1998. In 1996 - 97 the demand for pesticides in terms of value was estimated to be around Rs. 22 billion ( USD 0. 5 billion ), which is about 2 % of the total world market. The pattern of pesticide usage in India is various from that for the world in general. As can be heuristic from Figure 1, in India 76 % of the pesticide used is insecticide, as against 44 % globally9. The use of herbicides and fungicides is correspondingly less bulky. The main use of pesticides in India is for cotton crops ( 45 % ), followed by paddy and wheat. Figure 1. Consumption design of pesticides

BENEFITS OF PESTICIDES: - Accommodating Productivity: - Similarly outputs and productivity have increased dramatically in most countries, for standard, wheat yields in the United Principality. Corn yields in the USA Increases in productivity have been due to several factors including use of fertiliser, better varieties and use of machinery. Pesticides have been an integral part of the process by reducing losses from the weeds, diseases and pests that can markedly contract the amount of harvestable produce. Winding ( 1998 ) also drew attention to the peacocky increases in crop yields in the United States in the twentieth century. Webster et al. ( 1999 ) stated that " considerable economic losses " would be suffered without pesticide use and quantified the rich increases in yield and economic margin that denouement from pesticide use. Protect Crop losses / yield decrease: - In prop land rice trim under puddle conditions during the critical term warranted an effective and economic weed control practice to prevent a decrease in rice yield due to weeds that ranged from 28 to 48 % based on comparisons that included control ( weedy ) plots. Weeds lower yield of dry land crops by 37 - 79 %. Severe infestation of weeds particularly in early stage of crop establishment ultimately accounts for a yield reduction of 40 %. Herbicides provided an economic and labour free lunch. Suspicion about chemicals in food is fuelling sales of organic crops ( MAF, 2006 ) but it is by no means certain whether organic production could sustain the world ' s growing population ( Oerke, 2004 ). Vector Malady Control: - Vector - borne diseases are most effectively tackled by killing the vector. Insecticides are recurrently the isolated practical way. Insecticides are used to control the insects that spread deadly diseases such as malaria that results in an estimated 5000 deaths each day ( Ross, 2005 ). Bhatia ( 2004 ) wrote that malaria is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the developing world and a major public health problem in India. Quality of Food: - Increasing evidence ( Dietary Guidelines, 2005 ) shows that eating fruit and vegetables regularly reduces the risk of many cancers, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and other chronic diseases. Lewis et al. ( 2004, 2005 ) discussed the nutritional properties of apples and blueberries in the US diet and concluded that their high concentrations of antioxidants act as protectants against cancer, heart disease. Lewis attributed doubling in wild blueberry production and subsequent increases in consumption chiefly to herbicide use that improved weed control. Other area - Transport, Sport Complex, Building: - The transport sector makes extensive use of pesticides, particularly herbicides. Herbicides and insecticides are used to maintain the turf on sports pitches, cricket grounds and golf courses. Insecticides protect buildings and other wooden structures from damage by termites and wood boring insects.


Human Being: - If the credits of pesticides include enhanced economic potential in terms of increased production of food andfibre, and amelioration of vector - borne diseases, then their debits have resulted in serious health implications to man and his environment. There is now overwhelming evidence that some of these chemicals do pose potential risk to humans and other life forms and unwanted sideeffects to the environment ( 17 - 19 ). No segment of the population is completely protected against exposure to pesticides and the potentially serious health effects, though a disproportionate burden is shouldered by the people of developing countries and by high risk groups in each country20. The world - wide deaths and chronic illnesses due to pesticide poisoning number about 1 million per year21.

Potential Risk in Occupationally Exposed Subjects: - The high risk groups exposed to pesticides include the production workers, formulators, sprayers, mixers, loaders and agricultural farm workers. During manufacture and formulation, the ossibility of hazards may be more because the processes involved are not risk free. In industrial settings, the workers are at increased risk since they handle various toxic chemicals including pesticides, raw materials, toxic solvents and inert carriers. Workers exposed to HCH: - A study on workers ( N=356 ) in four units manufacturing HCH revealed neurological symptoms ( 21 % ) which were related to the intensity of exposure22. Formulators exposed to combination of pesticides: - Observations confined to health surveillance in male formulators engaged in production of dust and liquid formulations of various pesticides ( malathion, methyl parathion, DDT and lindane ) in industrial settings of the unorganised sector revealed a high occurrence of generalized symptoms ( headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, irritation of skin and eyes ) besides psychological, neurological, cardiorespiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms coupled with low plasma holinesterase ( ChE ) activity 23. Health effects of methomyl on sprayers: - The magnitude of the toxicity risk involved in the spraying of methomyl, a carbamate insecticide, in field conditions was assessed by the NIOH 24. Significant changes were noticed in the ECG and the levels of serum LDH and ChE activities in the spraymen indicating the cardiotoxic effects of methomyl. Reproductive performance in sprayers: - Data on reproductive toxicity were collected from 1, 106 couples when the males were associated with the spraying of pesticides ( OC, OP and carbamates ) in cotton fields25. Studies in malaria spraymen: - Study was initiated to evaluate the effects of a shortterm 16 week exposure in workers ( N=216 ) spraying HCH in field conditions26. Food Commodities: - The UK Pesticide Residue Committee annual report ( 2002 ) showed that over 70 % of the food in the UK contained no pesticide residues at all and only 1. 09 % contained residues above the statutory maximum residue levels ( MRLs ). It concluded that - none of these residues caused concern for people ' s health -. John Bell, Head of the UK Food Standards Agency, a body that was set up to restore public confidence in food said ( 2005 ) that - Maximum residue levels are generally set well below safety limits. There are no safety concerns or we would take action immediately. " Yet these very small quantities of chemicals in our food, detected at ever lower levels due to increasingly sensitive laboratory equipment, are now easy targets for the media, despite overwhelming evidence that residues pose a very tiny risk to the people who eat farm food ( Brown, 2004, US EPA ), a risk that is anyway far outweighed by the benefits of a diet that includes fresh produce. Impact on Environment: - Pesticides can contaminate soil, water, turf, and other vegetation. In addition to killing insects or weeds, pesticides can be toxic to a host of other organisms including birds, fish, beneficial insects, and non - target plants. Insecticides are generally the most acutely toxic class of pesticides, but herbicides can also pose risks to non - target organisms. Soil Contamination: - Pesticides have various characteristics that determine how they act once in soil. Mobility refers to how much a pesticide will move around in the soil. The half life of a pesticide refers to the length of time it takes for half of the pesticide to degrade. Persistence refers to the length of time until all measurable residues of a pesticide are gone. Surface Water Contamination: - Pesticides can reach surface water through runoff from treated plants and soil. Contamination of water by pesticides is widespread. The results of a comprehensive set of studies done by the U. S. Geological Survey ( USGS ) on major river basins across the country in the early to mid - 90s yielded startling results. More than 90 percent of water and fish samples from all streams contained one, or more often, several pesticides. Pesticides were found in all samples from major rivers with mixed agricultural and urban land use influences, and 99 percent of samples of urban streams28. The USGS also found that concentrations of insecticides in urban streams commonly exceeded guidelines for protection of aquatic life. Twenty - three pesticides were detected in waterways in the Puget Sound Basin, including 17 herbicides. According to USGS, - in general more pesticides were detected in urban streams than in agricultural streams. - 29.

Ground Water Contamination: - Pesticides, including herbicides, can and do leach to contaminate ground water. According to the USGS, at least 143 different pesticides and 21 transformation products have been found in the ground water, including pesticides from every major chemical class. Over the past two decades, detections have been found in the ground water of more than 43 states30. Contamination of ground water is of concern because ground water supplies 50 percent of the U. S. population with Drinkingwater31. Once ground water is polluted with toxic chemicals, it may take many years for the contamination to dissipate or be cleaned up. Cleanup may also be very costly and complex, if not impossible ( 32 - 34 ). Contamination of Air, Soil, and Non - target Vegetation: - Pesticide sprays can directly hit non - target vegetation, or can drift or volatilize from the treated area and contaminate air, soil, and non - target plants. Some pesticide drift occurs during every application, even from ground equipment35. Drift can account for a loss of 2 to 25 % of the chemical being applied, which can spread over a distance of a few yards to several hundred miles. There are thousands of reported complaints of off target spray drift each year in the U. S. 36. Many pesticides can volatilize ( that is, they can evaporate from soil and foliage, move away from the application, and contaminate the environment. ) 37, 38. As much as 80 - 90 percent of an applied pesticide can be volatilized within a few days of application39. Despite the fact that only limited research has been done on the topic, studies consistently find pesticide residues in air. According to the USGS, pesticides have been detected in the atmosphere in all areas of the nation sampled40. Nearly every pesticide investigated has been detected in rain, air, fog, or snow across the nation at different times of the year41. Many pesticides have been detected in air at more than half the sites sampled nationwide. Harmful Effects of Pesticides on Non - target Organisms: - Pesticides are found as common contaminants in soil, air, and water, and on non - target vegetation in our urban landscapes. Once there, they can harm plants and animals ranging from beneficial soil microorganisms and insects, non - target plants, fish, birds, and other wildlife. Beneficial Soil Microorganisms: - One spoonful of healthy soil has millions of tiny organisms including fungi, bacteria, and a host of others. These microorganisms play a key role in helping plants utilize soil nutrients needed to grow and thrive. Microorganisms also help soil store water and nutrients, regulate water flow, and filter pollutants38. The heavy treatment of soil with pesticides can cause populations of beneficial soil microorganisms to decline. According to soil scientist Dr. Elaine Ingham, - If we lose both bacteria and fungi, then the soil degrades. Overuse of chemical fertilizers and pesticides have effects on the soil organisms that are similar to human overuse of antibiotics. Indiscriminate use of chemicals might work for a few years, but after awhile, there aren ' t enough beneficial soil organisms to hold onto the nutrients. - 40.

CONCLUSION: - Pesticides are often considered a quick, easy, and inexpensive solution for controlling weeds and insect pests in urban landscapes. However, pesticide use comes at a significant cost. Pesticides have contaminated almost every part of our environment. Pesticide residues are found in soil and air, and in surface and ground water across the nation, and urban pesticide uses contribute to the problem. Pesticide contamination poses significant risks to the environment and non - target organisms ranging from beneficial soil microorganisms, to insects, plants, fish, and birds. Contrary to common misconceptions, even herbicides can cause harm to the environment. In fact, weed killers can be especially problematic because they are used in relatively large volumes. The best way to reduce pesticide contamination ( and the harm it causes ) in our environment is for all of us to do our part to use safer, nonchemical pest control ( including weed control ) methods.

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Increased Production Leverage With Agriculture Machinery for Your Farm

Agriculture machinery is a term used to cite to all equipments, kit and machines that are used to aide production on the farm. It is amazing that in the whole of the United States, a mere 2 % of the total population is able to feed the rest of the 98 % population! This has been so being of the agricultural machinery in city.

The technological advancement in the manufacture of the machinery is on the upward trend. Tractors have had above advancements; computer patrol systems, GPS locators, and self - pilot programs. It is possible that in the near future, short human invasion will be needed to work on the firm apt advancements such as nanotechnology and genetic engineering where submicroscopic devices and biological processes respectively are being used to perform tasks on the farm. These are tools which have made it possible for almost accurate precision in carrying out functions thus optimum efficiency is achieved on the farm. Less fuel and fertilizer among other inputs in the course of production are used thus increasing returns on investments.

So what are key points to keep in mind to achieve leverage with agriculture machinery?

Take a thorough look at your farm, your assets versus your liabilities, and opportunities versus your threats. If necessary, get the help from experts so that you come up with a good strategic plan. Let everyone on the farm get involved in the whole process.

Get to determine what machinery is necessary to achieve the targets and smart goals that are laid down in the strategic plan. There are those immediate ones while other machinery may follow later at other stages of the agriculture process on the farm.

Once the machinery is determined, search around the market to determine which would be the best machine at the best price. This should also be checked against the return on investment for each of the machines. Be careful with cheap machines, they may not last. At the same time, good machines can be gotten at pretty cheap prices if care is taken to research for prices.

Once the machines are purchased, proper care should be taken while the machines are in use. This will ensure maximization of the machines utility period. In some cases, farmers have been able to use the machines beyond its life period.

Keep checking on popular web sites and online agricultural magazines for any new technologies in the industry as this will continue to ensure high levels of productivity at a cheaper price.

Agriculture machinery has been a source of economic leverage for investors in the agriculture sector. Continuous research on internet sites, together with other resources and development of the agriculture machinery, will increase profits for the investor. Proper planning is needed to guide one into procuring the best machinery for the specific farm.

How To Prepare A Balanced Meal

Planning a balanced meal can be quite arduous for many people. Cut a couple of account to adjust your recipes and consider the points discussed below to assist you, and you will forthwith ferret out that meal planning isnt that insoluble next all.

Idea foods to fulfill your family ' s meat needs. The aged way of preparing foods was the Fundamental 4: Meats, Vegetables and Fruit, Grains, and Dairy. Touching much comestible research, the USDA has produced an updated Food Pyramid that should be used as a guideline. This graphic is courtesy with the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the U. S. Division of Health and Human Companies. The variety assists the Pyramid match into anyone ' s caloric wants. For serving sizes, see Thrifty Living.

Meals used to be focused around a chunk of protein, plus a starch like potatoes or rice, a vegetable like green beans, along with a glass of milk. These days, meat is regarded as much more of a condiment or flavoring, and diets ought to be based more on grains, fruits and vegetables. That doesn ' t mean you cannot possess a steak or fish fillet for dinner! It just means that you should add more whole grain breads, pastas, vegetables, fruits, rice, and cereals, and reduce the quantity of meat served. To start, here are three crucial words you ought to keep in mind each time you strategy a meal: color, temperature and texture. The meals you strategy should be complete of colour, the recipes should vary in temperatures, and consist of textures from smooth to crunchy.

Initial, go via your recipe field, information, cookbooks along with other preferred sources and select 10 - 20 recipes that you know you are able to make and that your family likes. Then think about texture, temperatures, and color when visualizing your full dinner plate. Color is most likely probably the most important consideration to think about in meal planning. Nutritionists advise making your plate look like a painter ' s palette. The more different colors on your plate, the more varied and healthy your diet plan will be. Temperatures and texture ought to be diverse to add interest and make the meal more pleasing towards the palate. Choose some cold meals, some served at room temperatures, and a few hot. Crisp, crunchy, easy, chunky, and tender are all textures you should consider. Now let ' s choose a recipe to begin preparing around the next web page.

How YOU can Affect Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change

The majority of the scientific community agrees. Man is adversely affecting the environment and accelerating global warming. Greenhouse gases created by our modern lifestyles are blanketing the Earth in a warming cocoon and causing an deformed metamorphosis - a planet riddled with severe weather, animal genre extinctions, and an portentous environment for future generations.

Governments and industries are not reacting hastily. In our continuance, the world as we know it may no longer occur. It is up to everyone to start making changes NOW, working well-organized towards a common zero: the concervation of this glorious, beautiful world in which we live.

Quit overstuffing yourself at the table.

Huh? That is a strange statement! How can your eating habits have an effect on greenhouse gases?

There are a growing number of overweight and obese people in the so - called affluent countries. Have you ever considered where all those hamburgers, hot dogs, and chicken nuggets come from? Producers use prime agricultural land to cultivate grass and grain crops for feeding animals in the human food chain.

A single cow needs about five acres of pasture in order to thrive. During its lifetime, a cow can create truckloads of manure - manure that creates a considerable amount of methane ( a greenhouse gas ). The agricultural land required to raise one cow would feed humans more efficiently when devoted to crops like wheat and soybeans.

The meat we consume goes through several processing stages using a variety of materials - including paper, plastic, Styrofoam, and cardboard. Transportation to the slaughterhouse, processing plant, retail store, and then to the kitchen burns up energy and creates toxic greenhouse emissions.

All that extra food ultimately creates methane gas when it ends up in the sewer. In addition, each extra pound of fat on the body requires more oxygen to maintain, depleting a resource that plant life must replenish.

Give back some of the oxygen you breathe!

Plant life consumes carbon dioxide ( a greenhouse gas ) and produces life - giving oxygen. However, man clears forests and prime agricultural land to erect ever - higher skyscrapers. If we were to spend more time building down into the ground instead of up into the air or sprawling into the countryside, we would leave more surface area for agriculture and nature. Until architects embrace this concept, we can help replenish a bit of the Earth ' s oxygen by filling our lives with greenery.

Surround yourself with houseplants. Every balcony can have flowerboxes filled with beautiful oxygen - producing blooms. Apartments with flat roofs can have rooftop gardens. Business people can fill office buildings and retail establishments with live trees, hanging plant baskets, and exotic flowers. Even people with a ' brown thumb ' can find easy - to - grow plants like philodendrons, cacti, spider plants, ivies, and African violets.

Reduce the impact of your trash.

Increasing Farmers & Ranchers - Reach USA Agriculture and Livestock Ranchers with USFarmData

Farmers markets are an integral part of the urban / farm linkage and have lingering to rise in credit, chiefly due to the growing consumer interest in getting fresh products any more from the farm. Farmers markets own consumers to have access to locally grown, farm fresh produce, enables farmers the occasion to mature a personal relationship with their customers, and cultivate consumer loyalty with the farmers who grows the produce. Direct marketing of farm products through farmers markets continues to be an important sales outlet for agricultural producers nationwide. As of mid - 2011, there were 7, 175 farmers markets operating throughout the U. S. This is a 17 percent increase from 2010.

Increasing Farmers & Ranchers - Reach USA Agriculture and Livestock Ranchers with USFarmData. com

More than 1, 000 new farmers markets have been recorded across the country, according to results released today in the U. S. Department of Agriculture ' s2011 National Farmers Market Directory.

The annual report indicates a total of 7, 175 farmers markets operate throughout the United States as more farmers are marketing their products directly to consumers than ever before. Last year, the USDA reported that 6, 132 markets were operating across the country.

- The remarkable growth in farmers markets is an excellent indicator of the staying power of local and regional foods, - said Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan. - These outlets provide economic benefits for producers to grow their businesses and also to communities by providing increased access to fresh fruits and vegetables and other foods. In short, they are a critical ingredient in our nation ' s food system. -

Updated market listings were submitted to USDA ' s Agricultural Marketing Service by farmers market managers on a voluntary, self - reported basis between April 18 and June 24, 2011, as part of USDA ' s annual outreach effort. USDA invited market managers to submit desired changes in their market ' s Directory profile as well as new market listings. Information in the Directory is also continually updated throughout the year in response to incoming requests.

The 2011 National Farmers Market Directory results were released in advance of National Farmers Market Week, which takes place from Aug. 7 to 13 as declared by Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack.

The Directory reveals that several states have experienced rapid growth in farmers markets since 2010, reflecting a growing interest outside of the Far West and Northeast states, where the popularity of farmers markets is more well - established. Alaska and Texas ranked at the top for most growth in farmers markets at 46 and 38 percent, respectively. The top - 10 list for growth includes:

Alaska ( 35 markets, up 46 percent ) Texas ( 166 markets, up 38 percent ) Colorado ( 130 markets, up 38 percent ) New Mexico ( 80 markets, up 38 percent ) Indiana ( 171markets, up 37 percent ) Oklahoma ( 61 markets, up 32 percent ) South Dakota ( 29 markets, up 32 percent ) Pennsylvania ( 266 markets, up 31 percent ) Ohio ( 278 markets, up 31 percent ) Michigan ( 349 markets, up30 percent )

The top - 10 states for number of recorded farmers markets in 2011 were spread across the country:

California ( 729 markets ) New York ( 520 ) Michigan ( 349 ) Illinois ( 305 ) Ohio ( 278 ) Pennsylvania ( 266 ) Massachusetts ( 255 ) Iowa ( 237 ) Wisconsin ( 231 ) North Carolina ( 217 )

Of the total number of farmers markets reported by market managers, nearly 12 percent indicate they have the capability of accepting SNAP ( formerly known as food stamp ) benefits onsite. This represents a 16 percent increase in the number of markets accepting SNAP benefits since 2010. While SNAP redemption data are not available for farmers markets specifically, the USDA Food and Nutrition Service recently reported that SNAP redemptions in 2010 totaled $7. 5 million at all certified farmers market and direct - to - consumer food retail establishments. Program participants made 453, 711 purchases at farmers markets and direct farm marketing outlets nationwide, with an average purchase amount of $16. 69.

The USDA National Farmers Market Directory is available athttp: / / farmersmarkets. usda. gov. Since the beginning of 2011 the site has more than 1. 8 million page views. Users can search for markets based on location, available products, and types of payment accepted, including participation in Federal nutrition programs. Additionally, new features allow Directory users to locate markets based on proximity to zip code and to see links to active farmers market websites. Customized datasets can also be built for website and application designers. Source: http: / / www. ams. usda. gov Be sure to check out our Sales Leads and Mailing Lists at www. salesleads - mailinglists. com www. usfarmdata. com www. goleads. com

Importance Of Management Education In Agriculture

India is an wild economy and agriculture is considered the backbone of our economy. In India, agriculture has been practiced since ancient times, was, like other development sectors are not exact in existence, and agriculture is mainly observed as a life - sustaining exercise. India, the country was a net grain importer in the early 60s, was an casual exporter of various agricultural products. Today, the agricultural sector achieved solicitation importance and has tremendous potential to become one of the mighty sectors that contribute to its GDP. Due to the impact of globalization, production and marketing has become buzz words in agriculture, biotechnology, precision agriculture, and various techniques and hi - tech mechanized led to a paragon shift in agriculture. In addition to the government ' s insistence on privatization, all public - private partnerships, agricultural organizations have contributed to the growth in agriculture.

Conventional education in agriculture:

Agriculture education system in India started in the early nineteenth century and today, the areas of education, research and education are recognized worldwide for its quality. Bachelor Agriculture includes a array of themes and techniques that professional exposure as an extension, entomology, animal husbandry, engineering, statistics, biotechnology, and much more, which helps students improve their capacity in the field. In addition, governments and various private organizations offer training programs for information in various fields, which are specially designed for farmers and entrepreneurs.

Succeeding graduation; students ready to activity for post graduate degree can major in either for plain M. Sc. or for agri - business management course. The M. Sc. Scheme is designed to replenish scientific knowledge along with thinking techniques, conducting research on drawn area, applying technical knowledge at primary level etc.

Agri - business education:

In agriculture, education, management of the field has recently been the origin and rapid popularity among students. ABM is a program designed to develop a work management service to the agricultural sector, which also serves as a good alternative for students willing to talk to the corporate sector.

Agribusiness management is a two years course having semester pattern system. The course itself starts from basic fundamentals like introduction to management, managerial effectiveness, business communication, business economics, quantitative techniques, basic accounting, information systems etc. These help students to be familiar with fundamental concepts of any business. Along with all these subjects, agri - business course also comprises of various technical subjects like management in agricultural and allied food processing industries, management of cooperatives, post harvest management, farm mechanization etc. In the final year, program offers elective specializations like marketing, human resource management, finance, international business management, information systems which cover the overall business activities. From these, students can opt for any single stream which helps them while choosing their career path.

In addition to these many institutes arrange tours of the industry, conferences, management games, business tests, CSR activities, workshops on personality development, as part of extracurricular activities and extracurricular activities. In addition to the knowledge and skills, the program also helps students to inculcate leadership skills, social skills and confidence level is considered one of the most critical in the development of personality as the industry still prefer this type qualities, while recruitment.

Currently, some of the premier institutes providing post graduate courses in agribusiness management programs are MANAGE ( Hyderabad ), NIAM ( Jaipur ), IRMA ( Gujarat ), IIM ( Ahmedabad ), besides these there are several government, semi - government and private institutes providing the course on full time and correspondence basis. Additionally various private and government bodies offer entrepreneurship training programs to undergraduate students through agri - clinics and agri - business training centers which is a fruitful step for encouraging entrepreneurship in India.

Need, importance and scope of agribusiness management education:

Agribusiness Management is a two - year course have the model system of the semester. The course itself starts from the basic fundamentals as an introduction to leadership, management effectiveness, corporate communications, economics, quantitative techniques, basic accounting, information systems, etc. These help students become familiar with the basics of any business. With all these issues as agro - business course consists of various technical subjects such as management of agriculture and allied food industries, cooperative management, the post - harvest management, farm mechanization, etc. In Last year, the program offers specializations elective, such as marketing, human resources management, economics, international business management, information systems, covering the overall business activities. Of these, students can choose a single stream, which helps them when they choose their careers.

In addition to these many institutes arrange industry visits; organize guest lectures, management games, business quizzes, CSR activities, personality development workshops as a part of extra - curricular and co - curricular activities. In addition to theoretical and practical knowledge, the curriculums also help students in inculcating managerial skills, soft skills and boosting confidence level which is considered as one of the most crucial part in personality development, as the Industry always prefer such type of qualities while recruitment.

Currently, some of the premier institutes providing post graduate courses in agribusiness management programs are MANAGE ( Hyderabad ), NIAM ( Jaipur ), IRMA ( Gujarat ), IIM ( Ahmedabad ), besides these there are several government, semi - government and private institutes providing the course on full time and correspondence basis. Additionally various private and government bodies offer entrepreneurship training programs to undergraduate students through agri - clinics and agri - business training centers which is a fruitful step for encouraging entrepreneurship in India.

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