Sunday, September 16, 2012

Practical Paleo Guide - The Caveman Way

Practical Paleo Guide - The Caveman Way

That ' s right you are beguiling a voyage back to the stone age. To be more exact, the Paleolithic Era, long for Paleo. Why is the caveman visualized as related a strong, viril, healthy hunter? Well he ate Protein, and device amassed he could find to put in his aperture that wouldn ' t eradicate him and hopefully would taste good.

Modern tempo man is bombarded with a plethora of support options. Many diets discourage vast amounts of meat intake, restrict carbohydrates, or limelight principally on fruits and vegetables. The Paleo diet, however, is unique because it is based on the diet of the very first humans.

The Paleo Diet is also referred to as the Hunter Gatherer Diet because it consists of food that can be hunted ( such as meat or seafood ) and gathered ( such as fruits, nuts, vegetables, etc. ). Which translates to running down his source of protein and killing it - Great Exercise combined with healthy fresh food. Unlike man today who jumps in his car, drives to the closest fast food source and gobbles down a couple Hamburgers, Fries and Shake. No exercise and food loaded with preservatives, fillers and who knows what else. Essentially, the Paleo diet takes the diet used by early humans prior to tractors or farm animals and applies it to modern - day foods.

The core principle of the Paleo Diet is that humans are genetically suited to eat the foods that our ancestors consumed. A concise, to the point definition, the Paleo diet imitates the foods that every single human on earth consumed before the rise of agriculture. The Paleo diet contains foods that have very high nutritional value, such as lean meats, seafood, fruits, and vegetables. And NO, you don ' t have to run down your prey and kill it or spear fish in the nearest body of water. Wow, isn ' t that great. However we do suggest other means of exercise more suited to modern man. The diet also shuns food ingredients that were created after the agriculture revolution, such as grains, dairy products, sugar, and salt because these products can lead to an increase in weight and a higher chance of developing health problems such as diabetes.

It is no wonder that athletes are fans of the Paleo Diet because of its high protein content. Some foods that are basic to the diet are meat, chicken, fish, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Paleolithic man would like you to keep these fundamentals in mind when choosing which vegetables to eat. You should look for root vegetables, but make sure to stay away from potatoes and sweet potatoes. One reason these foods are healthy for you is because they are free of additives, which most modern men now know are proven to be harmful to your health.

Protect Your Nest - egg Like The Wealthy

Americans Dont See It Coming!

For the past year, I have been on a promenade of alerting all who I can reach that the trained and global economies are headed for a very rocky path over the next two years. Some experts are looking for a plenary dollar entwine down. That could happen, but its a wee notably promptly for me to tell.

Im not ill examined to share economic theory, as my entire working career was spent as a tycoon, who among other duties, was responsible for the safety of both customer and bank assets. It was a task that was accomplished really for almost half a century, ergo my credentials have been well earned and subsidize me a foundation to publicly contend the economic woes of today.

My message has been mutual with fellow entrepreneurs both domestically and world wide. What appalls and shocks me is the total privation of concern explicit by the bourgeois of the United States, as opposed to people from Europe, Africa, So Africa, Australia and dozens of countries around the world. An appealing majority of general public of non US countries are taking proposition to protect their asset base. What is so unmistakable to millions of people around the world, and so hidden from the sight of most Americans. I have had that very discussion with colleagues around the world and they are as surprised as I that Americans are so totally blas about the looming financial and dollar collapse.

As the Fed continues down the path of stimulus, quantitative easing, and trillions of dollars of US Debt purchase, discussion over hyperinflation intensifies. Already, trillions of dollars have been printed and pumped into the economy and the question arises Does all this new baseless fiat money cause inflation? YES! YES! and YES!

The Inflation Warnings are Flashing!

Are Americans listening? NO! NO! and NO!

Here are just a couple of economic facts that for the most part go right over the heads of almost all Americans. More Americans can tell who won ' Dancing With The Stars ' and have no clue about the most basic economic facts. That is where the Europeans as a class are much further ahead of most Americans and are taking the necessary steps to keep their nest - eggs safe from the inevitable devaluation and inflation headed our way.

" The International Monetary Fund, heavily influenced by Europeans, last week also proposed creating SDR ( Special Drawing Rights ) Bonds, and repricing assets such as oil in SDRs, " says Smith. " These changes could end the dollar ' s supremacy as the world ' s Reserve Currency and force us to purchase SDRs before we could buy oil. "

" This would overnight devalue the dollar worldwide and make gasoline and everything else we import much, much more expensive. We would IMMEDIATELY become a much poorer country financially and a weaker country militarily, " says Smith, who predicted this dollar decline and fall in his 208 - page 2010 book Crashing the Dollar. Have you noticed higher prices at the gas pump? How about your grocery bill? I have.

As frustrating as the results of my efforts domestically have been, I will keep beating the drum, because it is too important an issue to abandon. If you can look your family in the eye and honestly tell them there will not be a financial loss to the family or business if the economy tanks, then you have done a good job. If on the other hand you are unable to do that, then dont you think you should do something because the window of opportunity will not stay open forever, and when it closes, it will happen fast leaving no time to act.

" WE ' RE IN THE TERMINAL STAGES OF THE WORLD ' S MOST GIGANTIC PYRAMID SCHEME, " set to vaporize the assets of the average citizen. ( WSJ )

Heed the clear warning signs here and protect what ' s left of your ever dwindling nest - egg, before the dollar collapses even further, rendering dollar - denominated assets VIRTUALLY WORTHLESS!

Our Gold Savings Plans are unlike any other anywhere in the world!

This site tells the complete story on the most affordable gold purchase plan in the world.

Knowledge is wealth and power. With that much expertise, knowledge and experience supporting gold and silver as a THE safe place to put their wealth, why are you not joining them. Isnt your wealth as important as theirs? I know mine is, so Ive been converting as much fiat money to gold as possible for the last five years.

Heed the clear warning signs here and protect what ' s left of your nest - egg, before the dollar collapses even further, rendering dollar - denominated assets VIRTUALLY WORTHLESS!

Prevent Cooking Oil Nightmares Vacuum it Away!

It is a well - known gospel that food service establishments consistent as bakeries, restaurants and supermarkets must adopt certain practices when addressing the proper disposal of effect to biodiesel refineries in order to convert this squander material into a significant product. Certain measures are put into practice to prevent the spilling of this substance into municipal sewage systems which could in turn pollute waterways.

The owners of vacuum trucks have become involved in the hauling of this cooking byproduct so that these purified fats and oils are properly removed and flipping to treatment facilities for further processing. So keeping the environment unharmed and healthy necessitates the use vacuum trucks.

The Increasing Agency Predicament

Without a law to regulate the disposal of agency or used cooking oil, restaurants and cooking facilities could improperly dispose of these materials into the sewer system. If allowed to continue, sewer lines would eventually clog up and sewage would back up into residences located nearby. In addition, the septic waste could run into storm drains and from there into rivers, lakes and streams, creating environmental and health problems. This result could adversely affect an entire community.

The Solution Grease Traps

Food service facilities, restaurants and some residences are required to set up grease traps which are devices that remove this cooking byproduct. Instead of disposing of this substance directly into the sewage system, this device is installed to segregate the oil from solid materials and wastewater. Fats and solid materials remain in the trap while the treated wastewater runs through into the local sewage system. The minimum capacity of this device is 750 gallons according to the regulations of the Grease and Oil Control Program. All food facilities should know about the importance of adequate maintenance and installation of their grease traps and ensure that this problem is properly handled.

The Disposal - Vacuum Trucks

When food facilities are using oil removal devices to prevent materials from going directly into the sewage system, management must be sure that the device is properly maintained and regularly serviced at least 4 times a year, depending on the usage and the size of the trap. It is strongly suggested that restaurants and food facilities contact grease haulers to vacuum this cooking byproduct that has accumulated in the trap and dispose of it by way of treatment facilities. It is imperative that these devices be frequently cleaned to avoid fats and oils from escaping from the device and inadvertently entering a sewer or storm drain system.

Fats, oils and greases that are pumped from the trap are transported to a treatment facility or a biodiesel refinery. They are processed and refined to become bio - fuel or converted into animal feed. All transporting must be done by a licensed liquid waste hauling company. They need a certificate of registration from the Department of Food and Agriculture to allow them to perform this vital function.

The disposal of cooking byproducts into sewer systems and storm drains cause public and environmental health concerns. Instead of clogging the sewer lines, why not vacuum the grease away and prevent a slimy contamination nightmare!

Robust Power Washers For Wet Sandblasting

The process of sandblasting has been around for years. It involves the removal of layers of material from metal surfaces. There are many applications for sandblasting; however, this process is primarily used for the removal of layers of emulsion, magenta, scratch, and other ponderous deposits to return surfaces back to the archetypal bare metal.

There are two commonly used methods of sandblasting: thick air and wet sandblasting. The latter is the safer of the two. Set air sandblasters require the operator to wear anxious garb and aware protection during use. This is not imperative through sandblasting machines which uses high - pressure power washers to solve akin results. Additionally, the process of wet sandblasting produces to contaminating dust, making it guarded for use in or around schools, businesses, commercial and industrial facilities, and more.

Power washers with a wet sandblaster kit are the best choice for industrial users who require powerful sandblasting capabilities. These power washers come standard with a special venturi head, sand pickup tube, and sand point. All of these components work together to provide the user with the ability to actually remove layers of material from surfaces.

The system works like this. The sand is drawn into the system through the sand point directly from a container. The head features suction capabilities to then draw the sand through the sand pickup tube into the head. The sand is then mixed with high - pressurized water in the head. The resulting mixture of sand and water is forced through the nozzle across surfaces at high pressure levels.

For even greater versatility, these power pressure washers can be used with a variety of sand grit sizes and media types like baking soda or plastic pellets. The higher the grit that is used with the machine the more abrasive sand blaster machine

action will be.

Wet sandblaster power washers feature the same variability available on any power washing machine. They can be purchased with a variety of pressure levels, flow rates, temperature options, power methods, heating methods and more. However, users should note that even hot water or steam power washers with a sandblaster kit must be operated in cold water mode with the heater off when the wet sandblaster is in use.

One of the greatest benefits that the purchase of one of these machines can bring is the ability to own two machines in one. Users can benefit from the extreme cleaning power of power washers and the rust and material removal capabilities of a wet sandblaster.

For commercial or industrial users that face a variety of power washing and sandblasting applications, the ideal machines are power washers with wet sandblaster kits. This combo will provide astounding results in a wide variety of applications to suit the rugged needs of the most demanding users.

Seinfeld - Blu Ray For Sale

If you are follower of the Seinfeld program, and thirst to have all of the collections at home so that you are able to watch them whenever you would like, you can now find the best prices and selection of the episodes that you demand. The hit sit - com was a long running view on TV, and many people became fans of the panoply and followed all of the seasons and episodes. There are a lot of great characters and plots to each season and episode and if you enjoy the fable of the exposition, you can now have them at home to watch.

You can find them in the format that you want to use in your home including Seinfeld Blu ray, Seinfeld DVD and the Seinfeld box set. The box set contains all of the great shows that you may want to watch.

You can also find that there is a large selection of episodes and complete seasons that are available. If you are not sure which seasons you would like to buy, you can look for the episodes that were in each season and see if those are the ones that you want to watch.

Once your purchase your Seinfeld Blu ray, Seinfeld DVD or the Seinfeld box set, you can enjoy watching them whenever you want, and be able to watch some of the best comedy that you can enjoy. There are many people who have bought Seinfeld episodes and enjoy watching them again. If you want to see an episode that you may have missed on TV, or sit and watch many episodes from all of the seasons that are available, you can now find all of the media that you need to be able to enjoy them at home and watch them as often as you would like.

You can go online and find the best prices on the shows and also find the format that is going to work for you. The episodes are available in different formats that you can choose from including Blu ray, DVD and there are box sets. You can find the best ones that you want to see, and save money if you are going to buy any of the box sets. The sets include seasons of the show, and you can choose which season you would like to own. They are a great way to capture the comedy and humor from the show and be able to watch as many episodes as you would like at home. You can go online and find the episodes that you would like to have and order them to have and watch.

Remind People To Register To Vote By Creating Custom Lapel Pins

Its hustings year and the nation is abuzz with all things political. With this in judgment, you may necessity to ramp up your sally tactics this year. If youre an notebook looking to gain more support for your favorite candidate, youll longing to win over as many voters as you possibly can.

The first step in doing this is making sure that every citizen is registered to vote. Voter registration drives are commonplace during election years. You can show your support for a good cause and educate the public on the importance of voting by creating custom lapel pins with a motivational message printed on them.

Custom pins can be created in many different sizes, shapes, styles, and colors.

Choose the type of pin that best fits your needs. Youll want one that complements the candidates personality. You may want to include information about the causes that are most important to him or her as well. People like to know who theyre representing when they wear a custom lapel pin.

Here are a few of the ways to set your pins apart from other politicians. Choose:

An unusual size or shape.

Make your logo or artwork bold and interesting.

Add glitter to areas of your design.

Have your pins created in antiqued metal.

Cut out areas of the design.

Add a dangling charm or simulated gemstone to your design.

Choose a velvet bag, acrylic box or piece of custom cardstock to present the pins in / on.

Celebrate Remember to Register to Vote Week September 23rd through the 29th this year. We can create a pin that appeals to voters. Visit http: / / www. lapelpinsrus. com to request a free price quote and full color digital proof. You can also inquire about our services via email or phone. The email address to reach us at is. Our toll - free telephone number is 1 - 800 - 480 - 6822. Let us know what you have in mind for your voter pins and well get to work on custom artwork for your design. Its really that easy.

Red Coral Gemstone

Coral is an Organic Substance. It is not a mined stone or mineral, but an organic gemstone. Formed from a living creature, it is the " profile " formed by individual polyps, plant - like animals, which make up a dependency under seawater in deep sea. It is a insoluble calcareous matter formed of innumerable skeletons continuously invisible by many families of maritime coelenterate polyps ( a family of zoophytes, gelatinous yachting animals called polyps ) for their support and habitation. It looks like an underwater colorful plant which keeps growing biologically. It is one of the priceless gifts from the sea for the body politic.

Red Italian coral is believed to be the finest quality coral, chiefly demanded in the jeweler industry. Coral reefs are inaugurate in nearly all the oceanic parts of the world. The main put of coral is the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Queensland, Australia. The finest specimens come from Sardinia and Tunisia; the coral from Japan and China is considered slightly inferior in quality but its price is more than Italian red coral in that it is raise in less weight. Coral is also institute off the coast of Washington State ( U. S. A ) and the Aleutian Islands off Alaska. Coral is plant in shiny, shallow seawater at a depth of about 15ft to 160ft. The greater the depth at which coral is erect, the lighter is its color. Imitation red coral is untrue of conch - shell and compacted powdered marble. Plastic, wood and wax are also used in the making imitation red coral.

Astrological Effects of red coral

Red coral is ruled by Mars. It can be worn by those whose Mars is the lord of an auspicious house in the native ascendant chart. If Mars is weak, debilitated, com bust or forming Mangal Dosha in your horoscope, Red Coral may help you a lot. Wear a Red Coral and remove all the weakness of Mars or Mangal Graha. Besides this, Red Coral may also be helpful in minimizing the bad influence of Dasha and Antar Dasha of Mars. Red Coral will make you a dynamic, energetic and confidant person. If you wear a red coral, you may get rid of fear and bad dreams. Besides this, you may also dominate your enemies / competitors and seniors. Obviously, wearing a Red Coral would be fantastic for everlasting energy, stamina, and financial as well as professional growth.

Coral turns inactive persons into active ones, helps build finances, increases determination, courage, physical strength, vitality, and leadership qualities, and helps one to finish the tasks he has begun. It can help one in getting a daughter married or to find a new job. It can help marital life. It protects against witch craft, accidents, and lightning.

Those who wear red coral will be brave and defeat their enemies. It helps defeat mental depression, and protects women from widowhood. It also protects the wearer from evil spirits and curses, and stops nightmares in their life. It aids meditation and brings happiness. It may help one avoid violence, war and all types of accidents.

It is believed that Red coral changes its color if the wearer is about to suffer from bad health. Red coral transmits the cosmic color yellow, which is related to blood, bone marrow, lymph nodes, and the head. It can help give relief in diseases related to the above parts of the body caused by an afflicted Mars. It is also affects the genitals, and works with the immune system, can cure smallpox, fever, headache, jaundice, blood diseases, anemia, weakness, typhoid, allergies, cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, wounds, measles, piles, chickenpox, and problems with bile. Red coral used after three months of pregnancy may also be able to prevent miscarriages.

Health Effects

Red coral in combination with other gems can help to cure and fight these diseases blood cancer, bone cancer, breast cancer, mouth cancer, stomach cancer, breathing troubles, anemia, kidney trouble, nerve diseases, gallstones, diabetes, asthma, hernia, appendicitis, meningitis, gouts, carbuncle, paralysis, rickets, piles, boils and wounds, menstrual disorder, painful delivery and in operations. Children who suffer from malnutrition and slow development also find relief if they wear this gemstone.

Lucky Gem

Red Coral is considered lucky gem for all those who are born under number 9. Mars rules this number. People born on 9th, 18th, and 27th of any month are governed by this number. Coral is one of the five sacred stones of the Tibetans and the American Indians.

Red coral is also recommended for 35th wedding anniversaries.

How to take care of Red coral

Coral needs special care. A soft and porous gem, coral scratches and abrades easily and chlorine, alcohol, ammonia, nail polish remover, and other chemicals can damage it. Remove coral rings when washing and moisturizing your hands. Avoid exposing your coral to extreme temperatures. It may gradually change color from everyday wear. As an organic gem, coral is softer than other gem materials and should be stored away from other gemstones to prevent scratches. To clean coral, wipe it gently with moist soft cloth.

Business Opportunities with Red Coral

It represents the business of gold, steel, agriculture, weapons and property. Police & defense services, chemical studies, surgery, dental treatment are the professions lead by Mars.

Method of wearing Red coral

The weight of the Red coral used may be at least six ( some say three ) carats or more, or eight, nine, eleven, or twelve carats for a ring or in a pendant. Red coral may be set in gold or silver. The ring should be worn on Tuesday, an hour after sunrise, when the moon is waxing in the lunar month. A coral ring may be worn on the ring finger or the index finger of the right hand.

Mantra for Red coral

Dharani garbha sambhootam vidyut - kaanti sama - prabham!

Kumaram Shakti Hastam tam Mangalam pran - maam!!

Proving Evolution With The Dictionary

Specious reasoning and clever crafting of definitions can make about fact recur to come true. As John Mackay ( 1852 ) empitic, When men prayer to construct or support a theory, how they torture facts into their service! Mackay, J. ( 1852 ). Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Babble of Crowds.

Some words are innocently created to straight forwardly make clear a particular individual but can insidiously catching on a life all their own. Our conversation is filled with words that have departed from their primitive definitions and are now widely not working and abused. Examples take in scoop, religion, supernatural, morality, liberal, capitalism, rein, lovebasically all the tropical button words and subjects people consider to be their light blessed domains of private confidence and interpretation.

Evolution is another illustration of akin a discussion. In the dictionary, evolutions first symbolization is: the process by which something develops into a different form. The word and this meaning predated Darwins concept of biological evolution. Heres how that fact has proven useful in helping to make his case.

Most certainly, things do evolve in the dictionary ' s pre - Darwinian sense of the word. We evolve as individuals, society evolves, technology evolves, education evolves, the automobile evolves and agriculture evolves. To the uncritical eye, evolution, taken as being synonymous with change, seems to fit well with what all of us experience every day: Homes get built beginning with simple blocks and 2 X 4s, our bank account balance grows slowly, our bodies begin small and get bigger, babies begin with one cell that multiplies into a whole body and anthills grow one grain of dirt at a time. Since everything changes, everything can be said to evolve. How convenient for Darwins evolution.

He could not have chosen a better word. The case was closed before he ever got into court. Since everything evolves it is not too much of a leap to accept that life evolved. The word itself is tendentious, creating in and of itself reason to believe the theory.

If he had chosen the word transmutation instead of evolution, things might be entirely different. Although transmutation would be a better description of the theory, the unfamiliarity of the word would force people to determine meaning and evaluate that against their own experience. In the larger sense, Darwins evolution requires that species transform into one another ( transmutate ) all the way up from a single - celled organism. Since nobody has ever seen one type of organism transmutate into another, he would have had a much harder sell. On the other hand, saying that change is the same thing as biological evolution makes anyone who does not accept Darwins evolution, someone who rejects change. In other words, stupid.

Please note that evolution normally implies progressive change. But nothing evolves in that sense without intelligent manipulation. Corn kernels get bigger, evolve, because of intelligent horticulture, home architecture evolves because of intelligent engineering, and mathematics evolves because of mathematicians. That little fact - - that intelligence is needed for things to progressively evolve - - just happened to be left out when Darwins evolution was attached to dictionary evolution.