One of the most watched movies that features animal characters is the movie Hotel for Dogs. This 2009 young ' s movie tells a chronicle about two orphans, Bruce and Andi, who hid their pet dogs in a desolated hotel being their new foster guardians did not thirst moiety pets at their house. Their crash and care for their pets struck many viewers and opened the optics of many people as well as agencies who extend to flash cruelty to animals.
Hotel for Dogs is considered one of the most appealing and sympathetic animal movies produced and released on 2009. Its comedic nature made children and adults laugh and at the same time empathize when the dogs were scheduled for a euthanasia. Movies starred by actors who have pets or those movies that feature all animals as the main cast are considered heart wrenching movies. Many filmmakers choose dogs to join the casting because they have the most charming personality among all pets. Dogs as man ' s best friend has the largest count of animal films in the movie industry. Sometimes, these movies are shot in 3D while most of the time, it is portrayed by real animals dubbed by A - list actors which give life and animation to the animal characters.
Before, movies produced like Hotel for Dogs mainly star pet dogs as one of the main characters. Today, it is widely accepted to feature not only the dogs, but other types of animals including cats, pigs, birds and even sea mammals. It is considered that a variety of animal characters there is, the better the film will be, thus the more attractive the movie for the audiences. These day ' s animal movies are not for the dogs only. These movies are not only for the children and kids because the grown - ups love such films, too. Since there is high percentage of pet lovers that are movie lovers also, animal movies really earn a big amount in the box office and have gained good reputation in the industry. This is why each year you will see that a couple of movies that feature animal characters are continue to be released. This is just a proof of how animal movies like Hotel for Dogs are embraced by movie goers across all nations. All these movies are included in the best kids movies 2012.