Saturday, October 13, 2012

Climate Change Adaptation and Agriculture


Climate Change ( CC ) is the among the most important global environment concerns. CC is having serious impacts on the most exposed communities. Considering characteristics, agriculture can be considered as one of the most affected sector and thereupon most sensitive to climate change. Susceptibility and sensitivity of agriculture to the variance of the climatic parameters is subject for the fact. Agriculture having the important contributor in national GDP, translates the susceptibility of national economy and growth to climate change. In essence of India the GDPs 60 % share is agriculture and approximately 60 % population ' s livelihood is depends on farming co emphasizing the need of resilient systems and strategies for agriculture sector and farming community. In which semi - irksome regions are considered particularly most weak to climate change. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Supported Development Alternatives, a Civil Society Make-up, active in Bundelkhand Region of Central India for taking up actions and influence policy to superscription the climate vulnerability of the region and its impact on livelihhods.


Semi tedious regions being particularly less resilient to the non propitious climatic conditions, govern to more negative impacts. Bundelkhand has faced severe drought years in recent past ( five drought years in last seven years ). Last year was not the hydrological drought but dilatory monsoon resulted into the failed Kharif season in most part of the Bundelkhand region. Increasing frequency of the drought in the region is causing the farmers to proceeds high steps in frustration. There have been incidences of farmers letting their animals in fields as the crops would not yield affair, in cases of behind monsoon.

Exact though farmers are opposed these challenges, sanctuary ' t presently realized that these droughts are not desultory but reflecting the trend of reducing rainfall and erratic appearance and these are going to be more common incidents in future. In consequence there is dire need not one shot of identifying strategies to fight climate change but also to make the naked sections aware about the climate change and make them ready to adopt the strategies for adapting to climate change.

Mitigation and Adaptation:

There are several factors and sectors which are responsible for Green House Gas emissions and thus climate change. Agriculture sector remained most unmanaged till yet due to i ) non point source emission of GHGs, ii ) need and priority of higher productions to feed the ever growing population. As mentioned above, agriculture sector is also most susceptible to climate change contributing into the vicious cycle. Inefficient agricultural practices causes the GHG more emissions, which accelerating the CC, resulting into the lower production. To compensate this, farmers tend to put more resources whenever and wherever are available in terms of fertilizer, water etc. which are the main factor for inefficiencies in the farm sector.

Effects of Climate Change and Solutions:

In Bundelkhand region, calculations of the climate reflect that after 25 years, rainfall is expected to reduce by 20 % and the productivity of the existing crops may reduce by 15 %. Decreasing landholding per farmer is going to have enhanced negative impact of these projections.

Thus the expected facts after 20 - 25 years would be:

Reduced rainfall, thus

o Less availability of surface water

o Deepened ground water level

o Low returns of rain fed agriculture

Smaller landholdings

High input costs in agriculture

Lower profitability per unit of land

Higher risks of crop failures

Above estimations on reduced productions are based on the existing crops and practices. Our adaptation strategies need to be focus on the methods which can nullify or reduce the effects of the unreliable climatic conditions. Such as:

Adopting low water requiring / drought resisting crops / crop verities

By reducing the water losses in agriculture and by irrigating the crops / plants not the land

Using improved practices to save the applied water like mulching etc

Reducing the input costs by appropriate application of inputs

Adopting and promoting the alternative models for duel / multiple use of land like different forms of agroforestry or multi cropping

By having fall back options like alternate income sources / crop insurance etc.

Where is will there is a Way

Approach which has been adopted to take up and fight with climate change is two sided, i ) Identifying the technical options and interventions required, ii ) making community aware and helping them to take lead to fight climate change.

Identification of interventions

Drought resistant varieties are available at different stakeholders. However the adoption is not much as farmers are not aware about these varieties and characteristics of these crops / crop varieties. Such varieties have been promoted as they are the important option which can provide reliable production level even in extreme conditions.

There are various methods and ways available for reducing the water losses in irrigation. Sprinkler and drip methods can reduce the water application significantly. Similarly, mulching can reduce the water loss from the soil. For flood irrigation also contour cultivation, and making the check basins or borders depending on the land slope and soil type, can increase the water use efficiencies significantly. Information on these options is being made available to the farmers through different stakeholders including the research organizations.

It has also been observed that the quantity of seed we use per acre of land is quite higher than required for optimum production. This, not only increase the input costs but also reduce the productivity by creating unnecessary competition within the crop itself. Appropriate use of manure and fertilizers, minimal tillage is the practices which reduces the input costs and enhance the profitability of the particular crops.

Agro - horticulture and other forms of Agro - forestry can be one way of reducing the dependability of the output of our efforts on the erratic monsoon, thus, stabilizing the incomes of the household and also its distribution across the year. For the purpose of reducing the risks of crop failure, government is also promoting the efficient irrigation systems like drip and sprinkler for agro - horticulture use.

Government has also various other schemes to protect or at least protect partially ourselves from the risks of the crop failure from several reasons. National Agriculture Research Scheme ( NAIS ) is one of them. We can get our crop insured under this scheme and in case of crop damage due to any o the enlisted reasons, we can get the benefits of the schemes.

It is also worth knowing at this point of time that quite of the options available are more accessible for the groups. Let ' s join hand together to access the information and take the challenges posed by climate change.

Creating Institutional Systems for Adaptation

Adaptation is the community and social initiative, which needs community actions. For sustainable farming society initiative, three tier institutional systems has been formed, at village level farmers groups consists of active farmers. The objectives of the farmers clubs is to keep interactions and ensure access of farmers to knowledge and resources bases in terms of the meetings with scientists and extension workers, ensuring appropriate seed varieties and technologies etc. At second tier representatives of the farmers groups have formed the cluster of the farmers group. These clusters are responsible for managing and creating cluster ( cluster of geographically nearby villages ). Top level tier is the federation level institution which takes the responsibility to resource building for all three levels of the institutions and establishing backward and forward linkages with markets.

In fact these institutions are playing their role effectively and have shown the capacity. Several activities have been taken up by them. These three tier system is part of the Farmers adaptation cluster. During the first year of operations, the Farmers Adaptation Cluster, has established linkages with different institutions like Water Technology Centre, Indian Agriculture Research Institute, Krishi Vikas Kendra ( KVK ), National Research Centre on Agro Forestry ( NRCAF ), etc. and had arranged exposure visits for its member farmers, introduced high yielding varieties and appropriate practices affecting the yield enhancement by 35 to 40 %. It has also recorded the reduction in required inputs due to information and appropriate technology propagation.

It can be said that the approach for creating the institutions involving the target group and disseminating the appropriate practices and technologies is an appropriate response to climate change suiting both the adaptation and mitigation strategies.

Environmental Issue Surveys What Are They Telling Us

A fresh environmental issue survey from CNN / Suspicion Research finds that a majority of Americans credit that the economy should gate precedence over the environment. It wasnt by a huge quantity a infant more than half ( 51 % ) picked " economy: and slightly less than half ( 45 % ) picked " environment. " The brink of error was 3 %.

Pollsters allegiance this dispute and theyve been prayer variations of it for decades. Here is how the issue was worded this time around, in this particular environmental issues survey:

" With which one of these statements about the environment and the economy do you most comply protection of the environment should be apt priority, same at the risk of curbing economic growth, or economic growth should be given priority, rolled if the environment suffers to some extent? "

Until recently, majorities of Americans have consistently responded that the environment takes precedence. Sometimes a mammoth majority, sometimes a small one, but always a majority. It was that way for decades. Its onliest now, during this brutal, grinding recession, that the economy has inched ahead. And its not righteous this survey, its others.

These poll results are disturbing, complete, but I think they are misleading, excessively. Theres exorbitantly of evidence out there that everyday commonality actually reject the basic premise of that question. When I sift through my extensive collection of environmental issue surveys, I find plenty of poll questions that explore Americans attitudes towards the environment and their wallets in more depth.

I think you can summarize the American publics general attitude towards the environment and their wallets in three statements:

#1 ) " Environmental regulations and protection dont burden the economy much "

As a general matter, when pollsters ask Americans if they believe that environmental regulation hurts the economy, the answer is usually " no. " Heres one example: In a 2005 study conducted by Yale University, more than 3 / 4 of those who responded agreed with this statement: " You dont have to sacrifice environmental protection to get economic growth. The choice between jobs and environment is a false one: we can have both. "

Remember, most Americans work in various service industries now. Only a few of us work in mining, agriculture, commercial fishing, forestry, or other industries where environmental compliance is a daily hassle or expense. The businesses that feel the pinch directly are often very outspoken about it but that is a minority view.

Statement #2: " Environmental regulations hurt some companies sometimes, but they can be good for the economy, too "

When EPA announced last week that it was cracking down on mountain top removal mining, West Virginia mining interests and politicians thumped the table, squealing about lost jobs and economic ruin. So you might be surprised that just a few years ago, almost half of West Virginians told pollsters they believed environmental protection are often good for the economy, and another quarter said they generally dont have much impact. Only one in 5 reported that environmental protections were generally bad for the economy and thats in coal mining, tree cutting West Virginia.

I think most Americans instinctively understand that people and businesses avoid highly polluted areas, that medical costs associated with pollution - related illnesses are a drag on their families economic well - being, and that wasteful, polluting businesses are less competitive in the modern economy.

Statement #3: " Environmental regulations and protections may cause higher taxes "

Americans generally see that protecting the environment is a legitimate responsibility of government, and recognize that this costs money their money. In a study conducted for Duke Universitys Nicholas Institute a few years back, researchers found that voters were much more likely to believe that new environmental regulations and protections would lead to tax increases than to lost jobs.

So if everyday citizens are skeptical of the basic premise of the " environment vs. economy " poll questions, what do their answers to those questions tell us? Honestly, Im not sure. And if everyday citizens are skeptical of the basic premise of this question, why do pollsters keep asking it this way, anyway? Again, Im not sure.

But I think Im on safe ground here: The economy is a disaster and few of us have escaped it completely. Everyday citizens want to see our nations leaders focusing their attention on getting the economy fired up and moving forward. But there is no evidence whatsoever that voters blame environmental protections for this recession or that they believe that cutting existing environmental regulations will produce much economic stimulus, either.

Dual Fuel Benefits and Disadvantages

They report that when you combine two things, there are in actuality three; each independent element and the interaction of them both. Allied is the circumstances with dual - fuel. Dual fuel is when you have both gas and electricity to feed your housing energy needs, but it can also denote a vehicle which runs on two types of gasoline. Hybrid vehicles can also be considered a type of dual - fuel vehicle matched though you won ' t see them classified under Flex - Fuel automobiles ( the common sign used for cars running with a dual fuel mechanism ). With twin an advantage in fuel diversity, one would tidily examine the cheapest dual fuel out there. However an important part is to examine dual - fuel prices against single fuel purchasing.

In housing, dual - fuel can be cheaper if an energy company sells you both. Some of them, but not all, may give you discounts on your energy bill, or lower the price of one or both fuel types as an incentive to bring you in as a customer. You can opt to sign up with two different companies, each one selling you one type of fuel; however the benefit of having one company is the lack of hassle when dealing with repairs, complaints and payments. In the end, to be rewarded the cheapest dual - fuel you will have to do some research into which companies offer what and their pricing. This will mainly depend on locality because there are various factors that affect energy pricing. The internet offers a quantity of companies where you can compare the costs among each.

When speaking of the cheapest dual - fuel in terms of Flex - Fuel vehicles things get trickier. The desire for cleaner, environmentally friendly vehicles is one of the healthier fads we have ever crazed. But a cleaner automobile doesn ' t make it any cheaper. Hybrid vehicles for instance are on average, given an $8, 000 price tag over the original cost of a regular gas guzzling car. The reason for this is to compensate for the costs of all the gasoline you will not be buying. Question is who is benefiting here? Certainly not you. It doesn ' t sound fair, because it isn ' t. But that ' s oil lobbying for you.

Dual - fuel or Flex - Fuel vehicles trade this dilemma for another one; their miles per gallon. Dual - fuel cars can run on gasoline, ethanol or a mix of both. The problem with ethanol fuel is its lack of potency, thus it burns faster than regular gasoline. This means that you will have to make more regular stops at gas stations. And that itself is another problem. Unless you live in Brazil, you will find that there is a scarcity of ethanol fuel stations, especially in the United States. As of 2010 there are only 2, 113 ethanol fueling stations in the country; in other words, they consist of 1 percent of all the fueling stations in the US. In the end, you will find the cheapest dual fuels in Brazil for the country has practically developed its automobile industry for it.

You will however find the cheapest dual - fuel during an oil crisis, as ethanol comes from sugar canes or maize; an energy field much easier to exploit. Hence the cheapest dual - fuel whether vehicular or for housing will truly depend on a great number of factors that must be scrutinized before one takes the leap towards the alternative energy.

Exploitation And Utilization Of Seabuckthorn In China

Early as more than 2000 years ago, the medical use of seabuckthorn has been noticed. The average Tibetan medical classics? C the Four Books of Pharmacopoeia ( written by Yu Tuo Yuan Dan Gong Bu, in A. D. 773 - 783 ) says the function of reducing phlegm, excreting lung, dissolving damp, salutary yin and strengthening yang of the seabuckthorn. And the function of strengthening the spleen and increasing the belly, eliminating staguantand homeostasis of seabuckthorn were recorded and narrated about 60 places in the works. The Tang Dynasty ' s general Tibetan medicine works " Yue Wang Yao Zhen " had written " seabuckthorn cure illness of ' fei gen ' strengthen the essence of yang, increase appetite and subsidize chest. The popular Tibetan medicine pharmacopoeia " Jing Zhu Ben Cao " oral that seabuckthorn can cure cough and phlegm - dyspnea caused by lung, work for ruddy circulation to drain damask stasis.

In the 1950 ' s, Russia exploited seabuckthorn oil for the first time and of service it to spaceflight medicine. In 1977, seabuckthorn was listed in pharmacopoeia of People ' s Republic of China. In 1985, China set up the National Seabuckthorn Regulating Office that belongs to China Water and Soil Conservation Master Bundle. Afterwards, all related provinces and districts established the corresponding organizations to exploit seabuckthorn and with the experts from different sections including Planning Commission, Science and Technology Commission, Finance, Bank. Light Industry, Sanitation, Agriculture, Water Resources, Forestry and Commercial sections to work together for seabuckthorn ' s multipurpose use in systematic way.

At the Beijing International Workshop of Seabuckthorn in 1995, the international Center for Research and Training on Seabuckthorn ( ICRTS ) came into existence initialed by 12 countries namely Mongolia Japan, Canada, India, Nepal, Finland, Sweden, and South Africa, as well as world organizations including UN Development Programme, UN Industrial Development Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization of UN, International Hillside Development Center, World Bank International Center for Integrated Mountain. The organization holds international symposium once every two years. And this has increased the internationalization of seabuckthorn exploiting and the development of seabuckthorn ' s international market.

In view of economy and ecology, seabuckthorn is good for the remote and weak soil. Because seabuckthorn can provide human being with many distinctive products and seabuckthorn oil is with great medicinal use.

- - - - - Said by the representative of ICIMOD on International Seabuckthorn Symposium in 1999

We found that China had been keeping planting seabuckthorn in the margin of desert to prevent desertilization and taking it as an important measure for many years. Practice proved that seabuckthorn has clear effect on protecting the soil of these districts and improving the productive force of the inferior ecological system. Planting seabuckthorn is determined to do benefit to agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and keep them have a prospect of continuous development.??

- - - - - - - - Said by Ajmal M. Qureshi ( the UNFAD representatives from China, Korea, Mongolia ) on international symposium

Research shows that seabuckthorn has treasure all over the body. It not only can stop soil erosion, protect ecological environment, but also is suitable for animal husbandry. Seabuckthorn pulp contains many nutritive substances and is worth of exploiting. Seabuckthorn has good effect on water conservation and growth of economy. It has a good prospect in medicine, healthcare and for edible use.??

- - - - - - - - Said by Mr. Zhudengquan ( vice minister of Ministry of Water Resources. PRC ) in international symposium on 1999

China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges will give priority to the seabuckthorn project in regional cooperation ( such as in northeast Asia, Himalayas ) to support inter - member state ' s projects.

- - - - - Said by Liangdan ( director of China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation ) on international seabuckthorn symposium in 1999

Educate Yourself With Fascinating Study Of Agriculture

Agriculture is a assorted field. You can enjoy learning it or teaching it in sliver part of the world. Education involves forgiving the nature of maturing. With the help of education, a student of gain can gain knowledge to work for the production of food and fiber. There are various graduate courses on farming offered by antithetic countries. These have duration of three to four years.

In the developed countries, people hurting for higher standards of food products. There is also great stress on integration between sustainable production and protection of the environment. Learning about agriculture means learning about all these things in theory and through exposure to public life and experiences of common people.

Contents Of The Courses

The courses on farming and cultivation are scientifically designed imparting knowledge and giving students adequate experience to help them to think constructively. Extensive course content includes different branches like agriculture, horticulture, forestry, and natural resource management. All these branches have several specialization courses including food science, microbiology, food processing, wine science, plant breeding and nutrition, and soil fundamentals. There are various courses on food economics and farm management marketing as well. Students of these courses require the support of books and other reading materials. The books on agriculture courses are easily available on the Internet. In order to save money, students can also go for second hand books. There are several online stores that offer second hand books on different educational topics.

Why Choose Farming As A Career

* Courses on farming and cultivation are designed in an interesting manner and teach about a variety of topics.

* The courses comprise basic study of different crops and animal life sciences and also provide high end specialization skills that are necessary to run a great business enterprise.

* A student of a cultivation course learns not only about crops but also about computer science, marketing, economics, engineering and finance.

* Farming is the obvious choice of many students. Students of agriculture have different career options: a person can apply for a job in the government ' s agriculture department or find a commercial job related to cultivation and farming.

Farming and cultivation is not only about crops and food grains. It contains interesting study of fiber produce such as wool and cotton, soil science that includes study of various techniques to enhance soil production and other various areas of farming branches. A comprehensive course on agriculture would prepare the student to take up a job anywhere in the world as it will offer global exposure to various techniques and fundamentals. Most of the universities have entrance examinations for these courses. If you are keen to join a farming course, the books are available at your local bookstore or on online bookstores. Farming is an amazing science - you can study the applied techniques and innovative technologies behind great farm produce with the help of these books.

Effective Microorganism - The Power Of Magnetic Wave Resonance

There are some really unique theraoeutic solutions that I altercate in my book that have beneficial curative applications in multiform areas.

Effective Microorganismsare one of the most amazing solutions that testy the areas of human health, animal health, agriculture, environmental remediation, and aquaculture, to agnomen a few of its applications. Here is a chapter from my book that highlights the amazing potential of Effective Microorganisms.

My account of EM was another conjuncture. I was looking for a few quotes from Masaru Emoto in his book, The Secret Life of Water, when I stumbled upon references to Hado and Hado Medicine. As I read further I realized that he was referring to the basic premise of this book that everything has a quiver, frequency, and resonance. His term for using energy is Hado. This apprehension has a other nickname ubiquitous in the world, but refers to the same object, which is the conscious use of life energy. This is somewhere another data point in my growing collection of data points that supports the discoveries that I untrue in natural corrective and how the energy of things plays into all of them.

EM is part of Dr. Emoto ' s set of Hado examples in The Secret Life of Water. He discusses at hank the incredible results that were being heuristic around the world as part of Dr. Teru Higa ' s work in using EM in environmental cleanup, agriculture, construction and other applications. Since I ' m on a quarry to find cool curing things, I away did a web search on Dr. Higa and EM to learn more. What I discovered apprehensive me and motivated me to get involved in using EM and distributing the products.

EM Technology is the use of antioxidants, enzymes, and other bio - available compounds derived from fermentation of a specific culture of microorganisms to exert beneficial effects on the surrounding environment. The technology was developed by Dr. Teruo Higa, a professor of horticulture at the University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa, Japan. EM Technology is used in making several patented products ranging from various water treatment devices to jewelry, textiles, plastics, and building materials. " EM1 Microbial Inoculant is a liquid containing many co - existing microorganisms. The major groups of microorganisms in EM1 Microbial Inoculant are lactic acid bacteria, yeast, and phototropic bacteria. EM was first developed in 1982 as an alternative to synthetic chemicals in the field of agriculture. Through extensive research and experiments over time, EM became recognized as effective in various fields, including environmental remediation, recycling organic wastes, reducing odor in livestock operations, treating wastewater, and many more.

A significant body of research recorded at the EM Research Organization in Japan supports all of the incredible applications and use cases that are attributed to EM Technology. Time does not permit me to delve deeply into them here as this will be include in - depth in my book where I will have had at least one year of personal experience and research to validate what I already intuitively believe to be true about EM Technology.

My understanding of EM is as follows - the microbes in EM1 Microbial Inoculant are probiotics for the Earth. Like the beneficial probiotics that I take to keep bad bacteria in check in my digestive system, the EM1 Microbial Inoculant does the same thing, only on a much broader scale. In Dr. Higa ' s book, Our Future Reborn, he explains how we have forces of syntropy ( positive energy, life - giving ) effects and entropy ( negative energy, destructive ) effects on nature and our world. In the invisible world of microorganisms Dr. Higa observed that 10 % are good, beneficial to life and 10 % are bad, destructive to life, the other 80 % are uncommitted. Like spectators in the human race, the uncommitted are watching the action from the sidelines and will jump in on the side of the winning team once they can determine who has the momentum and the will to win.

So to take my metaphor further, EM is the champ in every encounter. It has a knock out punch that the bad bacteria can ' t handle. It has what Dr. Higa calls magnetic wave resonance. This is an incredible syntropic healing energy. I call it Ki on steroids.

It defies all common sense and scientific logic. This is one of the reasons I like EM Technology, because like many of the things I embrace, there is no science to completely explain it. Just boatloads of research and documented evidence on its successful application in solving many of the world ' s pressing problems.

EM will confound right brain thinkers, scientists, and engineers because it ' s efficacy and application defies our collective experience. It delights left brain thinkers like me. It sounds too good to be true. You can ' t see magnetic wave resonance, just the results that it delivers. It confounds all the modern thinking and scientific logic. I love it! The people who think what I have written in this book is a bunch of hooey will really dislike EM, because they can ' t comprehend it, will want to dismiss it, and then will have to accept it in the face of a large library of evidence that it really works. The proof is in real tangible results. EM absorbs energy. It appears to absorb free form energy from an external source. This mechanism is similar to when plants use carbon dioxide and solar energy to synthesize substances, resulting in powerful energy. In the case of EM, this mechanism is thought to involve a strong antioxidizing function simultaneously combined with the wave effect that absorbs energy from an unidentified source. There are many types of wave motion, but EM wave motion is believed to have ultra high frequency, ultra low energy magnetic wave resonance qualities that defy common sense. Although further study is required, EM ' s effects on dioxin and radiation, natural healing powers and energy - conservation properties cannot be explained without this peculiar magnetic wave resonance.

So this citation makes everything crystal clear to you, doesn ' t it?

Success stories abound in Dr. Higa ' s wonderful book, Our Future Reborn. It is required reading. One of the most incredible stories was the restoration of the Seto Inland Sea with EM. This massive cleanup project started with the formation of a taskforce to educate the public and to gain acceptance and usage of EM - based products for sewage disposal, dioxin pollution remediation, soil remediation, and direct infusions of EM into estuaries and the Seto Inland Sea which was extremely polluted. The fish, shellfish, and seaweed populations were minuscule due to residential, agricultural, and industrial pollution. EM was introduced into all of these sectors for the treatment of wastes. They also set up a massive fermentation system to produce EM1 Microbial Inoculant in quantities to support wide use and to dump directly into the polluted sea.

In just five years the nearly lifeless Seto Inland Sea was teaming with schools of fish. The shellfish populations were at pre - industrial pollution levels. Octopus returned, and the seaweed beds were producing clean, fresh, edible product once again. I have never heard of this large - scale pollution remediation success before. I find it almost unbelievable but it is all documented.

Egyptian Tourism Minister Egypt Opens Its Arms To Friends From China For Cooperation

Said Egyptian Minister of Tourism, Mr. Hisham Zaazou who is currently in China within a sizeable embassy to prepare for the evening of Big wheel Mohamed Morsi in a private conclave with network people on August 27, current, that Egypt luxury tours, Egypt luxury holidays holidaysopens its arms to friends in China for cooperation and advancing investment between the two sides in all fields.

He wider that the Egyptian side will toss around with his Chinese counterpart, all the topics and areas of cooperation during the meetings executive at the uninterrupted head of state or ministers private tourism cooperation, which will account for the current situation in Egypt and the ambiance stability coterminous the election the President and the appointment of the new government, which on its part to take serious steps and effective to maintain on security, Egypt which is the main factor of merchantability and tourism and economic recovery. And the days and the next few weeks will see the seriousness and credibility of the new government on this important file, which will be a catalyst for the return of the global flow of tourists especially China to Egypt.

He called Egyptian Minister of Tourism, companies and travel agents in China, to visit Egypt and stand there on tourist destinations, and to identify on the ground on the positive results began to show its impact, and the atmosphere of stability that work to consolidate the new Egyptian government.

The Egyptian Minister of Tourism, that the Chinese market is witnessing in Egypt with the increasing number of Chinese tourists received by Egypt in 2010 at more than 30 % annually compared to the increasing number of tourists others in different parts of the Egypt world increased by 5 %. He added that the number of Chinese tourists reached 110 thousand tourists, and that Egypt is planning to reach this number to 160 thousand tourists from China next year and work to double that number within 3 years.

He explained that a doubling of the number of Chinese tourists to Egypt will be through the activation of the air transport agreement signed between the civil aviation in the two countries, and work to grant visas to groups of Chinese tourists upon arrival to airports in coordination with different sectors in Egypt to facilitate the procedures. In addition to coordination with a number of airlines operating in the Chinese market for the transfer of the tourist movement to Egypt by the organization of joint flights to more than one country in the region.